Saturday, November 29, 2008

Age Of Emires 1 Full Version

My hunter pilot, Cockpit USA

I and my libraries.

collect various things, and many have to do with the world of aviation, as my small collection of jackets or jackets fighter pilot. It had long been behind a "Cockpit USA" . Why Why this brand?, you ask. Well, I'll tell you a little history of my choice. I always like things with history, and that, this brand has something.

all began with the grandfather of Jeff Clyman, fighter pilot of World War I, his father then he followed it, as a pilot and surgeon Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Air Force States together during the Second World War. Not to be outdone, and to round the track, his uncle was also a fighter pilot at the controls of a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in the conflict against Nazi Germany. With a family environment like this, it is not strange that he is passionate to aviation history and mainly the "WardBird."

Jeff Clyman with its famous hunter. © Sean Siegel, Photograph.

Jeff Clyman, inherited from his father, a leather jacket, its passage through the Second World War, which was a source of admiration from onlookers and collectors. Everyone wanted this jacket pilot. This is what Jeff Clyman convinced that pilots play authentic jackets, quality and design of those 40's for fans of these products could be a good idea. Avirex Goldwyn in 1975. Today these Leather jackets have their own brand, "Cockpit USA." The quality of these, has made it official supplier of the Air Forces of the United States.

This passionate entrepreneur, Jeff Clyman, is now all a patron of aviation history. Besides being the President of Cockpit USA, is also the president and founder of American AirPower Museum . The truth, I admire these people, and I do not mind being a patron and when it is "greater." Especially as I would enjoy taking walks on my own devices.

Here below you can see three of the planes "classic" or Warbirds in action in one of its "Airshow" by American AirPower Museum.

Oops! I forgot the reason for the post ...

For that, I was looking for where buy me a jacket "Cockpit" and hesitated to make the purchase through the Internet or locate a distributor in Spain, where you can see, touch and choose well. For in the end, through a friend, locate FOR PILOTS flight jackets, jackets specialty store with an extensive range drivers and the best part was that it also had other brands, such as the prestigious Schott. " I had my doubts, between a classic A-2 or G-1 and I finally decided on a G-1 "Cockpit" and I am very happy with the purchase and the treatment received by FOR PILOTS has been very good.

What, that is an A-2 and G-1? Well ... By popular is called a A-2 jacket or a brown leather jacket, with a particular cut and is of WWII. Mainly associated as the typical hunter bomber crews of the U.S. Army Air Corps World War II. In fact, A-2, is the military designation of an article (summer) made under certain specifications and standards adopted as the May 9, 1931 by the U.S. Army Air Corps and was the successor to the A- 1, 1927
This below is a typical A-2

A G-1 is, auque with different characteristics. Its specifications came over "U.S.. Navy. " Data for 1930, but was normalized by the Navy in 1940 and replaced the A-2 in 1943.

Well, the bottom has been my choice. What, do you like? Me too, lol ... ;-)

In case you're interested, the store FOR PILOTS flight jackets, is on the street Eloy Gonzalo 27, 5 ª planta, Madrid. Do not hesitate to give you a ride if you live in Madrid, and if you live anywhere else, you can contact them on phone 91 446 30 83 or by e-mail

This one here is a picture taken with my mobile, shop FOR PILOTS flight jackets.

The WEB FOR PILOTS flight jackets

The Cockpit USA WEB If

As you hurry to get there in time to include in the letter of the Magi and Santa Claus.

;-) I know that this year will be a little "fastidiadillos", but ... to ask not to be.
The American AirPower Museum

In case you are interested in exploring the subject and be an expert pilot jackets, you know that there are books about, such as this: A-2 & G-1 \u200b\u200bFlight Jackets Hell-Bent for Leather Motorbooks Publishing. Web

publisher Motorbooks

Friday, November 28, 2008

Best Browser For Windows Xp

Air Academy in the IL-2 WWI

New video Rise of Flight

Curious flight tutorial for learning the basics of all Virtual Pilot WWI, especially the animation of the illustrations to be well understood the basic terms of operation of the flight controls. Some of these primary skills, which include this new simulator of the First World War, you could use pilots from all types and ages, lol ... I like!

In any case, I think it is clear that the Roll, Pitch and Yaw, right?

Here is another video with basic lessons: power control, airspeed, takeoff, landing and other flight concepts.


videos in their original format

How To Take Out Fleme From A Baby

Show Feed
Saturday Morning November 29th Squadron 69 presents, in the aeronautical library L'Feed of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe IL-2 Show Day, a day dedicated to the fantastic world of simulator IL-2 Sturmovik : 1946 , which will be held lectures and talks on this simulator also availability of powerful hardware offered by the company BSystem , who also held a conference on their products, and people of WWII Expansion Simulators will talk about their developments on the IL- 2. Throughout the day you can try and fly the simulator IL-February 1946 on multiple computers, with the help of staff give accurate information about using this great product.

not miss it!

"Flightplan" and more information on the website of 69 Squadron

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Destination Birthday Invitation Wording

Day in the Storm of War: Battle of Britain NEWS

The new releases of Oleg, aim to enlighten us with the possibility of damage in anti-aircraft and radar in any way affect the dynamic campaign. But the profusion of detail in the models of "objects", yes, I say objects because I think we're talking about a flight simulator, not a simulator tanks. Where perhaps, if it would make sense this quality in ground vehicles. According to Oleg

more or less ...

"You can see again some very interesting details. AAA Modeling our new simulator (for example): If the radar power generator is destroyed, then the radar does not work ... and effectiveness of the guns will not be good. We are developing the simulation of the AAA (Anti-Aircraft) in all fields, including radar, High Command, etc. Work with a system of damage and damage to one will result in others.

I also remember that British radar systems and Germans have different effects, as it was in reality. "

A NEW image of Oleg, where you can see the details of the radar station ..

merely presenting models of cars, trains, air defenses, radar towers and several vehicles. Not know about you, but I would like to focus more on things to contemplate our expectations Storm of War: Battle of Britain, and not as a land of military strategy simulator. It's more than all FPS World War II I've played, I do not remember any with this quality of detail in the vehicles.

Look at the details of the generator

Some start to wander with assumptions of what will be the dynamic campaign. In light of last seen in the NEWS of Oleg. And I wonder: Are we to a combat flight simulator? Or maybe Oleg Maddox has in mind something else, like a simulator total: earth, air and sea, Now!, I know you have rumors about it. Besides, with the quality and profusion of details on models and vehicles, we may need a "Quad Core 4" 8-core, 16 or even 32, in addition to 16 graphics cards on drums, as noted by some in the forums.

recognize, as I am, I also like those models are so detailed, but at what price we will pay this quality 3D models? Will it happen as with the Microsoft Flight Simulator X, which no one can move? Really worth spending much time and effort working on things we will not see unless you give to a turret the radar or against an armored car in a suicide attack at ground level?

appears that the simulator variables to be as dynamic campaigns are so complex that I do not know if in the end will have a strategy to move away from controlling the damage, causes and effects. To wear out the surfaces of the aircraft by use or try to give them, fine. You to stay if a disaster planes landing in the veneer and your mechanics do not give a rough, very well too. That if you force the engine or vital structures of the aircraft, and suffer the consequences done in a meadow full of bad, fine. If you have holes at the Basin which is the plane experiencing the law of gravity, dropping faster than usual, too fucking great. By the way, have you not ever seen a fly as IL-2 breezed half a wing, stabilizer, no flaps and landing and see how the pilot goes to the bar to tell his feat?, As I do, lol ... But ... so perfect texture in tanks, objects and even to display the model machine gun ammunition loading of armored tracked since like ... I do not know ...

1C in the forums, after these NEWS start opinions to be very "friendly", as it somehow, and others are already in total joke. Some people say that you can bomb a dam and eliminate large areas of the enemy making a muddy pitch and killing the pigs and chickens. Others point out that to bomb a bridge supplies do not reach the bases and thus can not take off from nearby airfields, for lack of fuel, chocolate and socks to lure the ladies of the region. Also, they can bomb and power lines and cause damage to enemy pilots in their poker games at night. And to top it off, some of them even, for that matter, that "joke" to make possible the launching of war propaganda to demoralize the other side and thus see a decline in the enemy lines or leaks of troops on the other side. Hum ... This does not know if I have thought about it, because it will benefit anyone to turn the fire on cold nights with no electricity. Well, I think I exaggerated a bit and got some views of context, but do not think that much, lol ...

Anyway, I do not know where this will end, but I fear that with so much improvement in military strategy in the face of dynamic campaign and much detail on the vehicles, or will affect the excuse of not having had time to create, so all want: A better model of damage to aircraft, a flight model more faithful to historical truth, according to the type of device, a higher quality of the sounds of engines, weapons and explosions, a more comprehensive mission editor and intuitive and even a retailer finish in aircraft cabins and much more for those that love combat aircraft. Also, to round off the nonsense, missing security model planes present at the Battle of Britain, not having time to develop material. But we can see the different vehicle registration numbers and distinctive bodies in tanks, and, until the last screw generator current radar station, and even the brand of toilet paper in the toilets of the base.


More information on the Forum 1C

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Have Ewcm And My Cervix Is Up High And Hard

Rise of Flight - New video and

Here the new video, which has hung in the blog, the developer of Rise of Flight.

also have here some of the latest images released. Actually, this simulator of the First World War, he painted it better.

Here are some pictures of the presentation of Rise of Flight in fair game, IgroMir 2008 on 7, 8 and 9 this month in Moscow.

In this picture below you can see one of the components of equipment Rise of Flight, "= FB = Viks" FLYING Russian squadron pilot BARANS, as observed by a guy in his proof of the Rise of Flight.

In this one you can see that the simulation not only attracts the largest. Please someone put a stool, hehehe ...

And this, perhaps the most important to us. Not officially announced, but being in this Expo, Hall ND Games, is believed to be whoever sells, at least in the Russian market. Stipulates that the simulator could be launched in the first quarter of next year. Perhaps to March 2009. Excellent news if confirmed.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Alternative To The Mara Appliance

images SIMUTER '08 - Simulation Conference

Event Poster


The weekend of 15 and 16 November will be held SIMUTER 08 , Simulation and Aviation event organized by the Cultural Association EVA- 69 (Virtual Air Squadron 69) with the support of the City Council of Teruel, and with the collaboration of the Association Simaragón, Aerowings magazine, Torremocha Aerodrome, a student pilot from the Academia General del Aire, Vuealaragon and Aragonvivo. This event is totally free, with a strong participatory and playful and cultural.

See the event schedule and more information on the website of SQUAD 69.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How Much Batter In 9x2 Round

controls for IL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey

seems that it takes shape. Not only are developers on consoles a trade route for the simulation. Well, yes, say, simulation, not talking about arcade. Yes, you may now be more arcade than simulation on consoles, but time to time. Think both in simulation and in the video game arcade in the end, there are companies. And they are tired of the index of piracy that is in the "games" PC. It is true that today there are products whose complexity fall outside of this approach, but only for now. To give you an example, there are games that not long ago were considered pure PC for its management complexity. It was thought that games would never RTS for a console. As it turns out, there are already developers have solved this with voice commands. In other words, the console runs all by voice command.

This is video of IL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey. You have to have patience since Gametrailer videos take longer to load but they have more quality than YouTube.

If you prefer to download high resolution here is the LINK

Well, what was. Manufacturers of specialized hardware peripherals for simulation, are also "move" tab. Those who are thinking of us with titles like, IL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey or similar and we have adequate controls. For some time, Thrustmaster has two joysticks in their catalog for the PlayStation 3 and PC. The T. Flight Stick X and Flight Hotas T. X.

The above is the proposal of T. Flight Stick X, which also has its own website:

The other is the T. Flight Hotas X, quite interesting, especially for being a "HOTAS" very complete and where you can separate the two commands. We must also recognize that it is elegant in its design lines. It is a kind of heir to the Thrustmaster Top Gun Afterburner II, which has been discontinued. If you have a PS3 and at the same time, a PC simulator, I think is a good choice.

Saitek, on the other side does not conform to get the new Cyborg X Stick , but now adds two proposals for consoles and PC. Perhaps a more comprehensive way, considering the two platforms, then launched two models, one for each console: Aviator Aviator PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Both models are also compatible with PC and the new Windows Vista. Here's a picture of both.

Ir a 1C Publishing

More information:

How To Install Thule Clynder Lock


The Rise of Flight team, has introduced new screenshots of the development process. Although they are quite busy, I guess, with their participation in the international fair game, INGROMIR Expo 2008 to be held this year on 7,8 and 9 November in Moscow, still take time to be updating your blog. Thing is welcome.

In this case, introduce a model of the aircraft suffered damage to "endure" the law of gravity and blind spots in the landings. Well ... yes, all right, even when a bad you full of holes, and where the pilot unharmed certainly ... well, with some bruising than others. :-)

also present modeling simulator pilots.

Within the team there are specialists in recreating realistic but simplified environment, and presents a new sample. It seems that they want to go a little further than usual in this type of simulator.

This image below is a sample, the balance between graphical representation quality items with low resource consumption. A key element is the representation of the grass.

Bonito and idyllic landscape of the WWI, no?

From here, I wish the best for this enthusiastic development team.

More information on the official website:

Other entries Rise of Flight:

Link 1 Link 2

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Can I Masterbate With At Home

ICONA5 Rise of Flight, a plane folding

Ir a

Although it may seem not a flying car. It is quite an engineering feat. The ICONA5, is one of the best-designed ultralight sports I've seen. You can carry on a simple trailer, store it in the garage and take off and land both on land and in water. Its sleek structure is made based on "composite" and special alloys. These materials are used in aeronautical engineering at higher level. The motor part is provided by the renowned firm ROTAX: A four-cylinder four-stroke 1352cc, 100HP providing power.

The cockpit is designed with the collaboration of the vehicle manufacturer, Nissan. Inside you can see the resemblance and design a vehicle that has of today. You may say that is more like a car than to design an aircraft. BMW also counted as design consultants.

have been taken care of every detail, with emphasis on the safety issue. The plans are designed to minimize the risk posed by the loss of speed through systems that warn the driver in good time. Ultimately, the device provides emergency parachute.

The idea is very good, but we will see the real result of this project of entrepreneurs trained in "The Stanford Graduate School of Business, supported by a team of aeronautical engineers recognized class.

In this video below, you can see the folding system and extension of the plans and design.

This ultralight is not yet available, although ICON Aircraft has already begun to receive orders. It is expected that the first definitive models go on sale in late 2010. On their website you can make a purchase requisition through a refundable deposit of $ 5000, a total of 139,000 USD, which is the price of what they call the "Standard Equipment". In

that other video, you can view the slide-show mounted by ICON Aircraft in Los Angeles, California, with all kinds of personalities.

And in this video, you can see the first test flight, which took place on 9 July this year.

Actually, I'm considering putting it on the list of Santa Claus, St. Nicholas and the Magi of Reyas well in advance, just in school. Hehehe ...

More information on his official website ROTAX