Saturday, December 13, 2008

Food Poisoning Bloating

Ir a Bombardeo de Gernika

Lately I have not much time to update the blog. So, on this occasion, I will let you work some pretty interesting fellow professionals. Since last year I am about to publish, but between one thing and another I've been procrastinating.

Studio 90 degrees, is a visual communications company specializing in computer graphics and digital illustration, that among his excellent works have some with themes related to aviation history. This is the job I want to let you know. Among its specialties, in the multimedia section, have a very interesting work eitb24, to commemorate the 70 Anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika. A sad story of the English Civil War I invite you to see.

Ir a Bombardeo de Gernika

Direct Link work
Gernika 1937-2007 Web
90 degrees


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