The Greenhouse
grandfather wrote everything in detail. Like the good farmer who was was used to clearly describe the growth of plants from seed to ripe fruit. Left, according to the other, accurate and absurd about how he wanted the final ceremony. Then I made him promise that would meet without question. In return, he won in life the greenhouse. I thought I left a great treasure. For them it was just a room with plastic walls, moist and sultry, whose only value lay in its location.
When we were little we had much fun weeding help to put the guides, to check that they are clean irrigation ditches and chase ducks, hens and mice that came from inside the pumpkin.
We enjoyed watching the dewdrops sliding down the translucent roof. We also liked crazy to put names to plants, dragonflies, the bugs and all balls what went on there. For the mice not because they escaped very quickly. The grandfather I shouted 'there is one, "but when I was turning her head to look and was gone.
Grandpa took root in the greenhouse, so it was always with muddy shoes. Pampered pumpkins, smell the basil, peppers looked, checked the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. Played to plants like the keys on a piano. Ligerita did to trigger the following just before the end of the vibration from the front.
meals made with vegetables from the grandfather knew a paradise: the smell of the dishes, the glory of the zucchini and eggplant filled, the subtle flavor of sauces and souffles.
When the other grandchildren grew bored with the routine ended their gloomy: the repeated germination, seedlings, mature buds, seedlings and bushes were part of a world too small for your new desires. It was going.
I stayed here, say in ten ... eleven. Some say twelve. I think I stayed because I like and to see the mice out of the inside of the pumpkins. Grandfather was
were draining the will as sand between the toes. Each day was less. When it was all made it to the big. The hearse was shaped. He did not like flowers because he said that smelled of death. He would not palms or crowns or branches. The coffin onto the path to the cemetery surrounded by cabbages, carrots, hoes, watering cans, cauliflower, onions, cabbage, shovels, cucumbers, peppers, rakes, straw hats, leeks, frightens birds and birds.
's grandfather was also the mice. Nobody believed me but today I was faster than them and I could see them first.
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