Movie ORE WA KIMI "For Those We Love"
Well, not to touch the previous post I decided to post one especially for this film. Juancho
My friend said he was interested in a Japanese film, he said, called something like "For those who love" , yes that would be a literal translation of "For Those We Love" and title same as for the international version. I think the most accurate title would be: "ORE WA tameni no koso Kimi, Shini and iku" Well, as I Juancho promised, here I put the information I have regarding this film.
is a work that draws much controversy: On the Japanese side for its content, in addressing a sensitive issue in Japan's past. It is the story of hundreds of young people who were killed in a stupid and pointless, even considering that it came amid a war. On the other hand, the U.S., also with harsh criticism, because there are scenes where shootings of unarmed civilians by U.S. aircraft.
Here I put a video that will give you a general idea of \u200b\u200b"For Those We Love."
In its implementation has involved many specialists, such as for digital images of aircraft and certain scenes, had the great Japanese illustrator and animator Tochy. If you do not know the work and the work of this artist have a look at your Web, you'll be amazed at the ability of a digitally mimics reality.
also makes 3D illustration for magazines and publications, here's one of them, a Mitsubishi F1M2 "Pete" Observation Seaplane.
Suppon (Tochy) ~ Suppon /
an indication of his "virtual movies" this little video of RAF aircraft
Or this from "Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands"
Or this little video of various aircraft.
film "ORE WA KIMI" For Those We Love
Y if you are keen to have this film in DVD, I found a Japanese site where you can buy for about $ 75.
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